Monday, December 14, 2009

The Great Indian Show Off!!!!

I attended a wedding after a long time. Infact, after almost a year. And I tell you, attending a NORTH INDIAN wedding is just awesome. We have all heard/read/seen (Monsoon Wedding) all the fanfare associated with Punjabi weddings. North Indian weddings aren’t nearly as loud or aggressive or full of drunken brawls. But still, we do weddings in our unique style.
North Indian weddings are fun, only because I love watching the way people interact. I mean, I attended a wedding recently where I had never seen the bride before (who is my second cousin by the way), I had never seen more than half the people there. Why was I there? Well because the bride’s father is my Mama, and he invited us. So I went all the way to Delhi for the weekend to attend the wedding. Seems very weird to go all the way to Delhi for someone’s wedding whose name I didn’t know. But that is how our weddings are. You typically go to a wedding not because you know the bride/groom, but because you know their mom/dad.
I remember one day I went for 3 weddings, thankfully all in Mumbai, and I had absolutely no idea whose weddings they were. But yeah, one thing I LOVE about those weddings, the food. I mean, it is AWESOME the variety, taste, fanfare, decoration, it all makes attending a wedding worthwhile, non-acquaintance with the bride/groom notwithstanding. On the triple wedding day, I ended up having starters and appetizers at one, main course at the second and deserts at the third…hehe…ohh what a night!! And of course, if you DO NOT eat at the weddings..its kinda considered like a slap on the hosts’ face..Yes…we have ENORMOUS egos…
So, north Indian weddings are never a one day affair. They are more like 2-3-4 day plans. More like a weekend retreat than a one day picnic. And the last 2 wedding have both happened in resorts. So you go for the weekend, take at least 4 changes of clothes (because that is the number of different functions you have to attend, and you are EXPECTED to wear different and NICE clothes for all), and have a fun party, paid for by someone else. What more could you ask for? And the number of guests, number of items on the menu, amount of decoration etc is proportional to the amount of money the families are willing to spend.
Coming back to the wedding I attended last, so there I was, hanging out with a few people whom I did know, also because most of my first cousins did not turn up. At first it seemed like it was going to be another typical 2 days and a gazillion functions where I would get thoroughly bored because I hardly knew anyone. But it turned out to be a lot of fun in the end. Especially, because the bride and groom’s cousins and friends took a whale of an effort to put together a memorable 2 days for the couple.
It is quite a change these days in weddings from the weddings of the yesteryears (read my mom’s generation). In those days, according to my mom’s stories, weddings were more of a family affair, when all my mom’s cousins and siblings would come together to make it a big party and celebration. And of course, my mom’s family was HUGE!!! They had a huge house, all resources available, they were rich and she had about 20 brothers and sisters!! So it was always a family affair.
Now, things have changed. Now friends are more involved than relatives. At least in my family, hardly any cousins participate in the wedding. They just show up wearing a suit/saree and a glum expression, eat, eat, eat and go away after handing in the coveted and much anticipated ENVELOPE filled with cash measured out considering the closeness of the relatives, relative wealth of the giver and also, on occasions, the warmth between the 2 parties. Now friends are the ones who plan, execute, manage and make the most noise in a wedding.
In this particular wedding, the bride’s little sister turned out to be an aspiring director. She made a 30 minute video about the couple, with snippets from their lives, their friends’ opinions about them, their parents’ wishes and thoughts. It was all very moving and immaculately put together. Kudos to her for making it a memorable night for her sister and Jiju.
I always thought that weddings were supposed to be about two families coming together, and people who are close to them joining in to add to the celebration and the fanfare. But somehow, this was never the case in any of the weddings in my family. They have always been more about showing off your status, position, wealth and ego. It was a change, welcome one at that, to attend a wedding where people actually cared about things other than the paneer tikka or the number of desserts.
All in all, thoroughly enjoyed this wedding. But my opinion about our weddings isn’t going to change so soon. For me, they still remain the Great Indian Showoff!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Wake up SID!!!!!!

NO. DO NOT GO TO WATCH IT!!!!!...OK i have written what i wanted to convey through this review withing the first line. Well now i know a lot of you people who dont trust me or are too logical are asking...WHY???so here goes...

Within the first 5 minutes, there was just one thought running through my mind..more like PRANCING through my mind...WHY was this movie made? What was the purpose of it? Well i know what you are thinking. It's just the start of the movie. Wait for it. I did. The answers never came. My friend summed it up. "Why would i be interested in Siddharth Mehra's life?"

Ok a lil bit about the movie first. It's the story of one Siddharth Mehra (He is the Sid in the title..i hope you guessed that by now.) He is a spoilt brat, rich dad's bigdaa hua beta types. Nothing new. He doesn't know what he wants in life. Except for spending his dad's money, going out with friends and being a total jerk (which he admits to at some point int he movie...YEAH you din't see that coming)
Atleast he is not a casanova in the movie. yeah maybe that would have been TOOOO cliched.

So as I am sure EVERYONE has predicted the story by now, i won't go into it. He gets kicked out of home by his dad who wants him to learn to have responsibilities. He stays at aisha something's house (Konkona Sen...HORRIBLE acting...ABSOLUTELY). Aisha is from Kolkata, Ambitious, independent, aspiring writer. Complete opposite of wat Sid is.

I think, the director thought, just coz we have two opposites we will have a great movie. WELL WAKE UP AYAN MUKHERJEE!!!!! You also need a STORY. and ACTING. two things that are completely lacking in this one. I mean, for the story, i think i predicted the entire movie within the first 10 minutes. Maybe less. nothing original about it.

Let's come to the acting, or the lack of it. Frankly, i knew Ranbir Kapoor could not act. But what the hell happened to konkona? She has done movies like Mr. and Mrs. Iyer for god's sake. I remember one scene especially. When she discovers she has a rat crawling on her. She is supposed to shreik. But what comes out is a half hearted wail. and my friend's instantaneous reaction was...PATHETIC ACTING...

As for Ranbir. Well he tries. then he tries some more. Then he gives up. He just can not act. And i mean it. He has really tried hard to portray the transformation from a just turned adult who has never had responsibility to a mature and responsible guy. But he cannot do it. Reason? He cannot emote. Most of the times i believe the actors were too confused as to what emotions they are supposed to be showing. And i remember one particular scene in which Rahul Khanna(Special Appearance) is supposed to be sad/happy/surprised..and i think he is ALL of them at once. Which is ABSOLUTELY not possible. And then just when you think the expression will change, AHOA, the scene has ended!!!

There is one particular scene in the climax. The shot is of Ranbir sitting in a window. And suddenly his expression changes to someone who has just had an epiphany, then he suddenly starts crying. then he has wonder in his eyes. and then it starts raining. and all this happens over some 90 seconds. and at the end of the scene i had amazement and hopelessness and anger in my eyes.

The chemistry is just not there between the lead pair. They never look like they should be getting together in the end. All through out the movie somebody keeps calling someone else immature and childish. And then you kinda get fed up of it at some point. I kept waiting for the movie to gather some sort of steam. It did not. Even at the climax.

I will remember this movie only for the awesome music by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy. really catchy and soulful numbers that you can hum along. Great work on the background score too and the lyrics. Loved Kya Karoon and Iktaara especially.

All in all, a bad experience. Very confusing movie that will leave you as confused. And you will never understand why exactly you came to watch it. You won't knwo when to laugh. And i realised there were a few jokes only because others in the theater were laughing.

Miss it people. Not worth the money.

P.S. I am never watching a FDFS again. DBH and WUS were both flops.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Kindergarten Couple

OK LONG LONG LONG time no post here...been a long and happy/sad tired and lost best friend to US..(more about her in the next post..coming up soon)...

This one post has been pending for sometime now...had decided not to write it..but then considering that both the concerned people are going to US and i am in generally a pretty senti mood these days coz of all the people leaving...decided to put it up and finish off the series of posts that i started...don't wanna leave it all the people who were hoping i WON'T write about them...rejoice...I WILL

Mansi Bhagwat and Maulik Mody(i hope u r the one with the y...) have been together for as long as i remember...since first year...and i CANNOT imagine a more perfect match...both physically (there is a reason why we call them the KG couple)and mentally (total kids there also...hehe)

Ok so lets first talk about them individually...

Mansi is CUTE...and i mean she looks FREAKISHLY CUTE!!! least i find her cute...and well she is rich nice catch maulik..hehe...she is like really short in fact that if i stand behind her i can actually rest my CHIN on the top of her head..and i will still have to bend my knees to get there..hehe...she looks really pretty somedays...though doesn't act so cute..

She has a very low voice..and when she has to talk loud..she really has to SHOUT...and it appears as if she is putting all her energy into just speaking a sentence..almost seems like a struggle...
One particular incident is really really fresh...after the ITA mid sem paper in 6th sem (i think) we were all debating outside that the paper was out of syllabus and all and someone must have told ma'm to put the stuff in paper...K2 instinctively pointed to mansi and said isne hee bola rahega...mansi just took her head up...mustered all her strength...and shouted on the top of her voice.."Maine nahin bola naa ma'm ko"...and STILL we could hardly hear is also an expert in the penguin walk...looks damn cute doing it...

mansi may seem all small and cute but she has one adult(erated) mind...two incidents to prove it

1st sem we r all sitting in ED room...and Divye is describing an incident where he went to the loo...a guy walked in..and even by the time divi finished what he had come to do and was washing his hands...that guy was still standing at the loo and doing something...and i shit u not...the following is wat mansi said:
"Arre toh uska chhota hoga naa..."

we were ALL shocked...i never expected her to say something like this..and she said it so matter-of-factly that we could hardly stop laughing...

second incident was told by Lalit..a few days ago

Mansi Maulik and Lalit were all standing in the quad...when mansi says.."yaar mujhe loo jaana hai..kya pakk raha hai...jaao..kholo..baitho..karo..utho..pehno..haath dho..." and lalit and maulik were only gaping at her for like 2 me...i could not believe my ears when L2 told me this...

Also...she is the proverbial GEEK...yepp...dats wat she is...she WORRIES about every small god forsaken test that happens...worse...she STUDIES for them...during end of semester...she would carry all her books to college, in her a result of which she would be bent on one side...that has become the proverbial mansi walk..bent towards left...bag hanging on the right...

She has a habit of CONSTANTLY playing with her hair..and i mean CONSTANTLY...she just CANNOT STOP...sometimes when both her hands are occupied we do it for her..hehe...she also HAS TO write all assignments as soon as they r given..which is a crime by engineering standards...that is why we had a joke...for mansi..the way she would be tortured in the movie SAW would be by tying her hands and placing an incomplete assignment in front of her...that would be like total torture for

When maulik was hospitalized just before exams in some semester...she would call him everyday..not to ask how he was doing..but to tell him what all zeroxes she was getting for him and wat all assignments he had to write..

Mansi..inspite of her innocent and childish actually quite mature and smart...also very cunning..knows how to get her work done..and usually does... a GUJJU.Period. He has all the qualities of a house..miser...and also...he lives in South he also has all qualities of a SOBO...fake attitude...vanity(lots of this)...just cannot stop talking about sex for some reason...

He is also a flirt...INCESSANTLY used to flirt with mansi and jas when they weren't going out....still flirts with jas even when he is going out...ass...and talks most of the time like a gujju...i mean..i don't have anything against gujjus...just that..maulik is a TOTAL gujju...he proved it by calling ritesh as..."AYE REEEETESSS" at our recent treat in noodle bar...hehe....

Aside form all this, this guy has something...i dunno wat you call it..but he is nice to be with...though most people who r NOT from SOBO are irritated by him..he is still fun sumtimes..good sense of humour..nice to talk with..and also short in height..forgot to mention that..

Both of these make a PERFECT couple...almost as if they just had to get together...been going strong since more than 3 and a half years pretty compatible of course..also they are PERFECTLY kindergarten couple types(hehe..remember the kindergarten base 5 joke???)

Now both of them are off to US..ok right now Maulik is in a flight and mansi is packing to leave...Won't miss these guys as much..not been too close to them..honestly..but still they were a part of our group for 4 years had to write this post...

To Mansi...hope you grow hope you find amazing things happening to you...and hope you are never too busy to not have time to play with your hair..and hope SOMEDAY you tie me a rakhi..hehe

To Maulik...hope you grow up too..hehe..and hope you take SOMEONE to a badi hotel someday...

To both of you..Bon Voyage!!!!take care and definitely stay in touch...would love to measure your kids' height and be a part of the guinness record for the shortest

Take Care guys...Love you both...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The THREE Musketeers

The following post is about THREE different people....the three people that are going to be described are probably the most disparate bunch of individuals that were brought together by faith would have it they were all born on the same the same house...and faith dealt its final blow when all three were named after three of the highest principles of humankind..."Truth, Peace of Mind and Happiness", thus binding them together in a confluence of human principles that would go on to dazzle the world for a long time....

This about...Sachhid...Anand...Uddhay...TEA-LE...

Ok after the uncharacteristically dramatic start...lemme clarify...this post FACT..only about one person...with a very very long name...Sachhidanand Uddhav Tilay...of course we have split up the name to create one of the longest running jokes in our group...that he is in fact three people....every time people are counted...its always three for tilay...and of course 2 for me and pari both...hehe..

I remember sachhid from the first day of college..he was in fact the only person from my class whom i knew from before..we were in the same batch at Mahesh Tutorials in 12th and hence knew each other by face...i vividly recall where i had met him on the first day...we were both checking out the time table and saw each other and proceeded to class together...we both sat on the last, and very very filthy, bench right behind Divi...who was pretty irritating that day...i remember going to all my classes with him for first few days...though gradually, and thankfully, our group expanded and we met some not-so-nice people...still...i will always remember that first sigh of relief i had when i realized i knew someone in my class at least...

Tliay..or Tea-Le as we call him now(context a little later) an awesome guy...and i mean it when i say of the co-founders of the Central Gang...he has been there all through the 4 years...and he has shown his sensibility and calmness on various occasions..

One of the good things about him is that he reserves his opinion on most subjects...or rather he doesn't have one...which is a very wise thing to do...he keeps his nose firmly out of all messy matters...and even if he butts usually is a very sensible advice...and he is very level headed...never rushes into anything..

OK enough with the serious let's get onto the fun stuff...i am sure K2 is waiting for this more than anyone else...

SO LETS BEGIN!!!!!TEA-LE Charade....

Ok this is a game we invented as a test for proving your membership to central gang...we give you a song...and you have to fit in his name somewhere in the lyrics...if you are are SO a member...well this game was actually invented because we realized that his name is so flexible that it can be incorporated into virtually any song...i mean are a few of the most HILARIOUS samples:

Original: Rimjhim gire sawan...baras baras jaaaaaaye mann (pardon if the original lyrics aren't right...)

Our Version: Rimjhim Gire Sawan....teale sachhidanand....sachhid sachhid anand....

Original: Pehla Nasha...Pehla Khumaa...

Our Version: Pehla Nasha......Ae Tea-Le bekaraar...mere Tea-Le Bekaraar...TU HI BATA!!!

Original: Dil mein mere hai Dard-e-disco, Dard-e-disco...Dard-e-discoooo

Our Version: Dile mein mere hai Sachhidanand, sachhidanand, sachhidanand...Dil mein mere hai Sachhidanand, Sachhidanand Sachhidanand

before next sample you need to know that Sachhid has his lower lip jutting out a we have this typical sound for goes somewhat similar to ....uuuuuhhhhh,,,its a STUPID STUPID joke...

Original: Nanhe Munhe bacchhe teri mutthi mein kya hai......

Our Version: Sachhid Anand Tilay tere uuuuuhhhh mein kya hai...

Original: Nanha Mumha Raahi hoon....Bolo mere Sang...Jai Hind Jai Hind...

Our Version: Nanha Munha raahi hoon....Bolo mere sang....uuuuuuuuhhhhuuuuu uuuuhhhhuuuu

Of Course there are many many more....just not able to remember them right now...But we have practically fit him into every song we could think of...K2 and I were pros at it...

One funny incident involving Tea-le was during one of our exams...he had the habit of writing formulas and getting...and one day K2 just tore it up during revision...of course tilay din't like when K2 asked him a doubt during revision...Tea-Le replied in genuine anger...Jaa...Nahin Bataaega....Everyone just started laughing over his kiddishness...

Of course...we (the employed but not called) janta of our group plans to open a dhaba in Goa...and the name of the dhaba would be???You guessed very practical naa???It never ceases to amaze me the sheer number of uses we can put his name to...its like his NAME is multi talented...hehe...

He did an internship sometime during 3rd year which made him efficient in flash...and of course in Technovanza '08 his name was synonymous with the Kiosk....Was also the (CO)-event head for of the most successful eevnts at Pratibimb' 07...of course Suktya was the other event head but as mentioned earlier...Suktya can't do anything...

Sachhid has been part of my group for 4 years now...and he has been the reason for a LOT of laughs...he has been privy to a lot of my thoughts at various times...stood by me in a difficult situation during 1st year...and also i am sure he would be one of the few people i will actually like to keep in touch with...

Well Dude...I would like to wish you all the very best....I am sure your name will live on long after you are gone...LOL...Take Care!!!Keep uuuuhhhing....and please keep the angle at 60 degrees...HAHA...

P.S. I have to thank LALU for the title and K2 for the Songs...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Chronicles of AMMA!!!!

Apologies for the long delay in posting...Net wasn't working and then i was just being lazy and not doing anything....well all said and done i am here let us move on to another one of the legendary characters in my soap opera..

"SHE" is probably one of the most teased and picked at "GIRLS" in our group...and with good measure..."SHE" does some pretty stupid things...also "SHE" was the only "GIRL" in our group for a long time so we had a very easy target to pick on...

Ok before this continues let me please explain the " " around the SHE and the GIRL...well "SHE" (Last one...i promise..) isn't a "GIRL" (Hehe...Couldn't resist) least we never considered her one...and of course we weren't going to call her a boy she (see...i resisted this time...) became "SPECIES"...Amma is referred to as SPECIES in our group...every time i would be 6 guys and species...never 1 girl...hehe

One more clarification is needed...u may ask how her name got to be AMMA...Frankly...NO ONE KNOWS...that is right..its a huge one has any recollection of exactly how and why we started calling her that..but that's what we call her...and that's what will continue to be her name...sorry amma...i can't think of you with any other name frankly...

Actually that one is not totally true...because she does have a lot of other names...just like everyone else in our group does...Amma has been called SELFISH...and i mean....she has been hounded by that name by none other than Ketan Kolte (hereafter referred to as K2...described in a later post)...

K2 has this uncanny ability of associating everyone of Amma's actions with her being selfish...she did not give you a pen...yes...coz she is selfish...she doesn't want you to write an assignment...she is wearing 3/4ths..yeah...coz she is selfish...woh kapde bechne waalon ka sukh nahin dekh sakti..and countless such very silly and very infuriating (for amma) instances that keep coming up every single of K2's patent dialogues was...haan...yeh toh kisika sukh nahin dekh sakti...selfish kaheen ki...hehe...

Amma has been an integral part of our group right since first year...amma and I had some pretty intense encounters at the start...she confided a lot in me in those times...short lived start to our friendship...but we got back after not talking to each other properly for a few months time...and have been good enough friends since then...

Amma is a total Gujju...SORRY...Kutchhi...she keeps reminding us of this fact again and if we all come from roughly the same part of india and have roughly the same annoying nasal voices of the most memorable of amma's gujju-accent-dialogues is "Paachaaaaas log ne paaaachaaas paaachaaas rupayaaa toh diya hogaaaa"....i still remember the look on Lalit and my face when she said this...i mean ...we were actually SCARED that the sleeping Gujju in her was waking up...

All through 3rd year and a major part of 2nd year...our group consisted of Amma and the Central Gang (This SOCH deserves a proper post)...and Amma tried so hard to break into it...but alas...she stays in Dadar...neither Central nor she had to be content with her application being rejected again and again...and every attempt by amma at any joke of our level was seen as another ploy to get into Central Gang...and it was rapidly foiled...after all...Central Gang had to maintain its sanctity...Of course we will never forget the Nirop (Farewell) in the 3rd year where we admitted Sneha (a junior) within about half an hour of sitting with her...and Amma was left totally Red faced...poor girl...Sneha had achieved what Amma had been unsuccessfully trying to do for over a year then...Hehe

I remember one of the times when i was truly worried about her it was when she had kept Pajushan (I don't know if that is how it is spelled...Don't vandalize my house for getting the spelling wrong..)...It is a total fasting period for her lot...and she had NO FOOD for, what 7 days i think???do not remember...but at the end of the 7 days she looked properly sick..which prompted me to give her more gaalis as to the actual purpose of keeping it in the first place...her reaction was...aisehi...rakhna tha mereko ek baar...WOW...awesome...*rolls eyes*...

Of course during the Pajushan period she came to be known by a few more names...Moong Gud Paani...Dal Paani and others like that...coz that was the only thing she would have...and of course...we could bunk a few lectures coz we were "taking care" of her...and her beloved SUKETU SIR was more than eager to make sure she was alrite...

Recently she has become LIKE US...and i mean a LOT like us...what with all the unspeakable gaalis coming out of her mouth...and i mean the PROPER MUMBAIYA gaalis..of course it happened once and after having been instigated into it by who else but the great K2...

I think after so much of "negative" things, as she would call it, about her..let us examine a few good things about thing i love about amma is she ALWAYS ALWAYS speaks her mind...she never beats around the bush...of course sometimes she doesn't know how to control her temper because of that..but still its an admirable quality in her...and she has ENORMOUS patience...i mean considering the amount of abuses we have hurled at her...she NEEDS all that patience...She also never throws all those girly a lot of respects she is like one of the guys (K2 might threaten to hurl me out of central gang for this of course)...But i dont think any other girl in her place would have been able to gel with a group of guys so well...Hats off to u amma for being such a Sport...seriously..

Amma rarely feels bad...and when she does she kind of storms away...of course none of us apologize to her...OK i know that is not true...i always always send her an sms saying i am sorry if i went overboard...that has kind of become a routine now naa??But for all her storming off...she always comes back to our group the next day...not like she has a one else will tolerate her anyways...hehe...

Thankfully in the 4th year she had some proper GIRLS to hang out with in our group...she has been considerably happier ever since...although rumors of an alleged "LINK UP" have been doing the rounds...AHEM AHEM...i will leave this to be speculated upon...LOL..

Now she is off to the US for doing her MS...our explanation for why she is going there is that if she doesn't, she will probably be married off in a few years time...and she plays along with this explanation...i wonder if its true...hmmmmmm

Well AMMA....I of course wish you nothing but the best...I hope and pray that you be able to shed off your selfish-species-3/4th tag at least at Gatech...and i hope that at least in your wedding we won't have to see people wearing netted black shirts under maroon coloured embroidered coats...i mean that would be just TOO MUCH amma...

ALL THE BEST AMMA!!!!!Best wishes and Lots of Love for your Future...

P.S. Her name, by the way, is Hiral Satish Modi...or Mody...ok i don't know we care anyways....

P.P.S Please learn by heart all Dadar starting trains if you want to become a member of central gang...though chances are you will still not be allowed...hehe...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Main Thana Station Pe Hoon...

So long time no post, was busy..went to Bangalore..did the most AWESOME advanced course ever...more about that in a later post..

For those of you who know our already know from the title who this post is going to be about...For others, the meaning of the above phrase will be explained in due course..

As ritesh is going to be one of the first people from our batch to move on to "Greater Things", i thought why not write this post about him, before he leaves and all...well we have already had a farewell party and all...and considering that us guys weren't really a part of the (gay) scrapbook...please consider this to be your farewell gift buddy..

So Ritesh Vaidya...the first time you see this guy, if he is wearing goggles and all, you are sure to think he is a foreigner, saala itna gora hai...aur upar se chubby bhi hai...poora firangi dikhta bhi kabhi kabhi waise hee maarta hai. And in Goa, some priest actually mistook him for a we have proof to back the theory as well..right K2??

But as they say. Light travels faster than sound. So the moment he opens his mouth and all the choicest of hindi gaalis come out, you will come right back to earth and realize he is just another Mumbai teenager.

The first time i met him was i guess in 2nd year, he had just joined our class from another division, and in his own words..he din't know wat the f*** was going on...i mean..he was just lost. He was pretty much forced to hang out with our group as i think he knew one or two of us before hand. And i can't even imagine wat our group must have been for him, i mean it was irritating for ME sometimes, is bechaare ka kya hua hoga..But of course he din't really have a he gelled...and soon realised that there are at least SOME sensible people amongst the hooligans...

I remember him narrating one experience of the early days..when he was hanging out with us and we actually spent 2 hours at the main gate deciding where to go..normal routine for us but so completely new for him...finally he was rescued by some other people he knew from first year..poor guy...

From the 3 years that i have known him..i can tell you one thing...HE DOESN'T CARE!!!yepp..thats right..he just doesn't give a damn....iske aas paas jo ho raha hai hone do..he won't give a damn...he lives his life exactly the way he wants to...and no amount of opinions and advices can sway him...and most of the times he doesn't bother giving people advices or opinions either...he is the true proponent of the mantra "Live and Let Live"..

He is freakishly Lazy...and i mean freakishly Lazy...we call him Whizzy as tht is his yahoo we have a song for him..based on Khwaja Mere Khwaja from Jodha goes..."Whizzy mera Whizzy...Hai bada Lazy..." sung by his mom of course...LOL...

He is almost always late...Just like me...i mean it happened so many times tht wenever you called him...and asked where r u..his response was almost always "Haan, Main thana station pe hoon" its a standing joke now...that in a movie based on our lives, Ritesh Vaidya will not be introduced on screen...his voice will keep saying throughout the movie..Main Thana Station Pe Hoon...ROFL...

Whizzy has had a lot of alteractions over the years...and almost all of them with girls...reason, he doesn't tolerate non sense...and i mean he DOES NOT tolerate it. I have never seen him take crap from anyone..He always gives it in the course of this giving and taking...he has hit, abused, shouted on various girls..and i must say all for pretty valid reasons...He just cannot stand simple as that...

He has a typical style of saying "Paaaagal ho gaya hai...kya ******* hai kya..." he stresses so hard on the abuses its almost as if the gaalis were made for his mouth only..

I remember sometime in 4th year we were all actually scared about him, coz he used to show this total non chalance towards everything, we were scared kaheen yeh fail toh nahin hoga..his response to wat r u doing was almost always "who the f*** cares man", even one day before the it was a little unnerving...thankfully Deloitte happened..then SCMHRD at least he is going to do SOMETHING now...WHEW!!!

Now lets talk a lil about his interest in the fairer sex...for a long time i thought he had none..LOL...but soon stories of his sojourn with some people started filtering out...i still remember Jas's dialogue..."Maybe it is destiny that has brought you guys together into VJTI"...LOL...dude i still remember the expression on your if you had eaten sour eggs or something...ROFL...

In his own words he let a very good opportunity go while in junior college...and man we rubbed the salt into the wounds...he still sometimes thinks about it i u dude???

As for the current scene, well lets just leave that...i mean i don't wanna spoil your chances by jinxing it by announcing it on a public domain man...LOL...i can almost feel the hatred on your face right now..HEHE...

This guy loves his booze and charsi hai saala...jab free time mile chalo daaru peene...chalo hookah maarne...kya pata kaunse janam ka gamm baha raha hai daaru peeke...I do not wan to disclose the exact details, but at one party he got pretty sloshed...and not-so-pretty dirty...quite easily one of the scariest things i have seen happen to a guy...Dude word of advice...Respect Your Drink...

Well that is about all that i remember about him. Its great that he is going for his a school where he will be required to get up at 6:30 EVERY that would be would have been great to have been working with you at Deloitte man...but i still wish u all the best...hope you join Deloitte after 2 years..and hopefully not as MY manager..LOL...

Have a great life dude...and please don't be at Thane Station anymore...

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Laughter Precursor

So continuing with the last post, this post is about a pretty integral part of our group. Before i begin...let me just say that i am NOT writing these posts to make me or any of my friends emotional (although i know that is something that is just not possible). I am writing this only to make a record of what my thoughts are about my friends. Maybe this is like for reference in future...or maybe after 15 years if i forget some things i will open this site and laugh again...

So this post is about Mr. Kushal Gurunath Sukthankar...yepp...that is his full name for people who do not know...

I remember meeting suktya (that is what we call him..more on his zillion or so names later) for the first time in college...he was this short, small faced, dishevelled haired, and hairy guy (BELIEVE me on this last part...there is a reason he always wears full sleeved shirts). And frankly, he is still the same, except maybe he has more hair now, has a pretty huge paunch and is getting woozier by the day.

Suktya is the eternal casanova (or so i thought..until he started failing in all his ENDEAVOURS)...he always tries SO FREAKING HARD to flirt....we (Pranay and I..more on him in another post) had this joke that suktya will flirt with anything that moves....and we mean ANYTHING...LOL..

The long list of his romantic ambitions are legendary..he still gets a lot of flak for all the times he has tried to patao some or the other gal....and its always so freaking hilarious to watch him land on his face...dont mind dude....this post is quite a honest opinion of what i have seen you do...please dont mind...

Suktya has this knack of saying things that are intended to hurt someone else or take someone else's case..but end up degrading his standard like anything...I mean get of his most awesome quotes was..."Main khud kee nahin sunta toh tum log meri kyun sunteho..."...HOW can u be so freaking DUMB!!!!!

He also once said..."Main anyways bina soche kuchh bhi bol deta hoon"...and u can trust our group to remind him of his words again and again...

Suktya has this way of walking, he will bend backwards...throw his paunch out...his arms will be about 3-4 inches away from his body...and he will walk like he has muscles of Arnold Schwarzenegger..flailing his arms to and fro....just looking at him walk makes you wanna throw your head back and roar with laughter...or punch him in the face and repeat step 1...

Suktya's expressions are legendary...once he was walking behind me and Tea-Le (Save this for another post...)Suktya hit Tea-Le on the head...Tea-Le turned intending to hurl the choicest cuss words on Suktya...but just seeing the pathetic smile and kiddish expression on his face, we both burst out laughing....Suktya is a total kid...someone who behaves like a total jerk in a few situations...but he also has the uncanny ability to be understanding sometimes...and that is something i have expreienced a LOT of...especially through a very hard time of my life..

I remember all the awesome times we guys had as part of The Brotherhood (maybe a seperate post i m lining them up...)..all the crazy nightouts at Suktya's place were the most memorable ones...i especially rememeber the one time Suktya Pranzy and I were up till 6 talking some serious shit....Suktya has this ability of keeping secrets too...and he hides them well...even his own...he is mostly a closed book actually...not a great thing i wud say but it works for him...

Now for the funniest part about suktya...well its his i mentioned...we have a zillion or so names for him...and they keep coming up every week...i remember there was this time when we would come up with a name for suktya almost every other first year Technovanza (our Annual Tech Fest) we named him...bouncer...coz of his black gogs and the way he would man the security gates...then we named him robo...i do not remember how this one came up though...guys please refresh my memory...then we named him Robo BP....please do not ask the full form...its not mentionable...we came up with this on the way to matunga station and i remember laughing all the way home about this...

We also created a fictitious superhero titled GHONCHU...played by suktya of course...he had for his accessories a pair of goggles, bluetooth headphones and he was dressed ONLY is black underwear made of cement...(this last part was K2's addition of course...)the entry was on the op of the Dome in the VJTI was one of the most hilarious jokes we ever made up...

Lets talk about his flirting abilities...well he has NONE...he thinks he does...but well...he DOESN'T (dude get the hint...) because of all the various crushes and link ups and trials...he has had various names... like A**** cha pikachu (ROFL...)..V***** cha pikachu....and other pretty hilarious ones....he was also called IT ki Gaddar Aulaad and Comps ki Najayaz Aulaad..both coz he used to hang out in the comps class more than the IT class in 2nd year...and everyone knows why...

The train incident with Suktya's neighbour is also a stuff of legends...i remember how uncomfortable he was talking to a girl in front of us...and we din't make it any easier by singing "Dost dost naa raha" when he got off at the station with her..LOL..

Suktya is also pretty phattu...i mean he just loses it at times...i remember two was during the climb down from matheran...there was a tricky part and he was pretty could see on his face that somethings had shot up into his mouth....another one was when Karani Sir had questioned him about his attendance...he had repeatedly scratched his chin (where he used to keep a small beard...the style wannabe that he is) and said.."Sir...but i sat quite a few lectures Sir" LMAO....

There have been many talks about his sexuality too....the lack of it thereof...i mean some girl came up to him and said..."Kushal...You can't do anything"(although in a completely different reference)...but we still interpreted it as the lack of....well you get the point...Suktya has been called gay....people claim there has been substantial proof of it too...but i want to think those rumours are baseless...atleast i would like to say this on a public domain like the Internet

Ok i know Suktya might be steaming around the ears on this last para...but dude NO post about you is complete without a mention of this...and u know it...

Well now suktya is off to the US...and we have all begged him to change his mannerisms and hair style before going there...i mean are going to represnt VJTI man...have some sense of basic style atleast....

I will end this post by saying Thanx to him...for providing so many opportunities to rag him and take his case...for being such a dork that helped us to pick on you...for letting some of the most well kepped secrets to lie dormant...and for being a Precursor to so many Laughs...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

When the Curtain Drops!!!!

So this is it then....4 years....this is what we get at the end of the 4 years...a simple fullstop on the paper and that signifies the end of a rocking/reeling/pathetically-mind-blowing phase of our lives...

So simple isn't it, one full small little dot...and we will never be engineering students again (Subject to results of course..but lets just assume for now we have ALL passed....even if not with flying colours atleast with a little streak of our own). It's so easy to just sit there..stare at that dot...and imagine that your whole life is going to be another blur from now on, just another extension of that small black dot

When we all came into engineering, trust me, none of us had a clue as to what to do. None of us, even the super brainy CET toppers, had any idea of what these 4 years were going to do to us. I mean you just cannot fathom the unfathomable right?

And yet, here we are, 4 years later, looking at another phase of our life where NONE of us has any idea as to what is going to happen. All the cliches of "You never know where life is going to take you" and "Always expect the unexpected" are SOOOOO applicable right now.

I always thought life would be made up of these MILESTONE events you we learned in Project Management(i am SOOO sorry for this one...just could not resist...LOL). Events that would signify the end of some important phase or the achievement of some goal. Well this is both...end of a phase...and the achievement of a goal. And every event has associated with it the Past and the Future.

I do not think i can, or even want to, predict the Future of this event. Whether we will grow apart or closer is for the future to know. I am not interested in it. What i am interested in, is the Past. A past that brought us so many memories, heartbreaks, laughs, friends, enemies(not for me though), embarassments and moments that will probably shape what we are and what we will be.

In the next few posts, i will try to analyse and bring forth some of the moments, circumstances and events that i remember and want to learn from. More focus is going to be ont the people though.

Of course its a pretty obvious thing to do. I am doing this not for emotional or nostalgic purposes, just as a tribute and a thank you to the people who made these 4 years worthwhile.

So look forward to the next few posts, even i am...coz i dont know what and who is going to come out. I hope to explore my psych as i pen these down.

To end, two lines that i will remember forever:

"Past is destiny, Future is freewill"
-Khurshed Batliwala

"I open at the Close"
-Harry Potter 7.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


OK i know this is not in the series of posts that i had planned to unleash upon the blogging world (or whatever these guys are calling themselves these days) but this is cool and someone special tagged me so i am continuing.

This is a new blogger game my friend introduced me to.

RULE 1: People who are tagged must write their answers to the tag and change any question they like.
RULE 2: Tag 3 people and they cannot refuse to do this tag. They must write who tagged them and cannot tag that person again. Continue the game. And I hope it will be sheer fun.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what would be your reaction?
It would be of utter disbelief. and if she is HOT i would forgive her and forget her as soon as possible. Infidelity is not for me.

2. If you have one dream which could come true, it would be?
FLYING A F-35!!!! that;s like the ULTIMATE dream!!!!!

3. Who is more blessed-loving someone or being loved by someone ?
Loving someone. I mean you have someone whom you can truly take care of. And there is nothing more satisfying than someone expressing gratitude for something that you have done.
Of course loving someone who doesn't necessarily love u can be hard. But get over it and count yourself lucky to have someone to love!!!

4. Can you fall in love with your best friend ?
TOTALLY!!!!It's a very thin line between being best friends and falling in love. And if you toe it...well it could turn out either way...

5. How long would you wait for someone you love?
Till that person realizes what a SHITHEAD she is being by not being with me....And once she realizes that she will probably come and beg me to take her...So yeah...all would be fine then...

6. If the person you like is secretly attached, what would you do?
Pretend like i don't know the secret and full on hit on her....I can't be blamed for what i don't know right?

7. If you could root for one social cause, what would it be?
Cleanliness!!!!I HATE DIRTY MUMBAI!!!!I WANNA SEE MY CITY CLEAN!!!!Get that you gutkha-chewing-paan-spitting-candy wrapper-throwing MORON!!!

8. What according to you is blogger in denial?
I do not know....I blog when i feel like...i don't care if people call me a "blogger" or not...

9. What’s your fear ?
That one day i will wake up and i will have no one to love...

10. What colour are your pants now?
Light Blue...wearing the best pair of 3/4ths i have..

11. What are you listening to now?
When You Say Nothing At All- Ronan Keating....the ONLY song that describes what i feel for 2 of the most important people in my life....

12. What takes you down fastest?
My best friend's sad face....there is no sight more heart breaking than that!!!!

13. Which one do you prefer - ice-cream or chocolate?
Ice Cream---with chocolate chips and chocolate sauce and grated chocolate on top!!!!!YUMMY!!!!!!!!!

14. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Buy some univ in india and make it swankier than any univ in US and make my Best Friend go there instead of US!!!!!

15. What was the last thing you ate?
Kal raat ka bacha hua Domino's Pizza and Garlic Bread...

16. How old are you today?

17. How do you vent out your anger?
By taking exquisite pleasure in banging stuff here and there and screaming!

18. Favourite toy as a child?
MY HOT WHEELS!!!!!!!!!!i mean the small ones...used to LOVE zooming around with those cute cars making all sorts of vroom vroom noises....

18. Favourite season?
MONSOON!!!!this is one season hat just enhances the beauty of the comes forth in all its glory and mesmerizes you to your very soul....this is a season of amazing memories both as a child and as an adult....**stares away into space for about 5 mins**

19. When was the last time you cried?
A few mins ago when i realized that my friend might be off to the US in a few months time...ITS SCARY!!!!!!

20. Who is the friend you have had the longest? net friend who became my best friend who is now not so much on talking terms but i know still loves me...phew...long relationship naa????

21. What did you do last night?
Had a superb nite out with some friends....we ate we chatted we played scrabble.....we talked on some pretty heavy topics...then we slept and got up and ate again...ohh also took my fastest ever bike ride...122 kmph baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22. Favorite day of the week?
EVERYDAY!!!!i dont pick favorites in days man...everyday has equal opportunity and significance....

23. Gold or Platinum??
Platinum!!!ANYDAY!!!!i love the feel of that metal....yeah i wife is going to be one lucky girl!!!!*sniggers goofily**

24.Would you be single & rich or married & poor ?
i would be rich and single.....THAT would be FUN!!!!

25.What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Open my eyes...why???what do you do???

26.If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, whom would you pick?
The one who has better hair....and more sense...i mean common sense...

27.Would you give all in a relationship ?
I always give all in EVERY relationship...don't know any other way of having them....

28.What’s eating you now ?
Stupid reminiscing of the old days...its so bugging....

29.Do you prefer being single or in a relationship?
Relationship....i love the fact that two people trust each other so much...and you learn so many things about yourself that you never really knew...

30. Your opinion of 3 bloggers who you are going to tag and the one who tagged you.
MONA tagged me....she is like the world to me...and more if possible....

I tag the following peeps:
Annie, Zai and Anand..

P.S: anyone who likes these questions is welcome to answer them. do leave me a link, so ill check out ur answers. hava great day.

Friday, February 20, 2009


OK. SO it’s been over 5 months since I posted. I won’t apologize as I don’t deserve to. Was being pure lazy all this time. Just could not convert the ideas in my head into meaningful posts. And when I could, I preferred not to. Call it writer’s block. But well I am back. And here to stay. Will update the blog at least twice a week. Mostly Fridays and Tuesdays.

So what to do we begin the reincarnation of my insights with? Well how about someone else’s insight that has caught my fancy and that I really think needs attention?

Bau (Khurshed Batliwala for all the non- AOL folks) put this idea into our heads when he last visited Mumbai. And what an idea ti was, not unlike all the other brilliant stuff he generally comes up with. Bau was taking a YES!+ in dadar and 14th Feb happened to be one of the days in the course. Now you would be pretty socially challenged to not know WHAT the significance of THAT day is. On 13th , in the course, Bau spoke about a special valentine that all of us should keep this year. And I am sure you guessed who me talking about. INDIA!!!!!!!!

I remember exactly what he told. This year, my country is my valentine. Let’s take care of Her like we would take care of a loved one. Give Her all the tender loving care that we shower on our loved ones on this day. And let’s do it all year long. Not just for the day. And trust me, more than anything else, it is our Country that needs us right now. And more than anyone else, it is WE who owe it to our country.

Now many of you will laugh and say it’s a total matter of sour grapes, stupid loser didn’t get a chick that is why compensating with calling India his valentine. But well that is SO not the case here. If you have a little bit of sense please realize that this is NEEDED now. It has come to a point where taking care of our country has become a necessity and not merely an obligation on our part. If you have any doubt about it, then go out of your house and roam around for half an hour. You are sure to find at least 10 people who are spoiling the locality and not more than 1 person who is doing something better for the society. THAT is the kind of sorry state we are in.

So this year, I and a lot of other quite smart people have decided to call India their valentine. Because we really believe we can make a difference. Because we really believe that if we do not start doing this, no one else will. And also because we still believe in the goodness of the people in our country.

Ohh….and in case you are wondering what is the point in just calling your country your valentine, wait for it….there are things that you can do without being called a martyr or freedom fighter. It will not take another freedom struggle and loss of lives to reclaim India to its former glory. All it will take is some alert citizens who have full knowledge of their responsibilities and powers. So what can YOU do to make our country better?....Well that is for the next post….

Do Comment…..Would love to read your views about this….