Saturday, October 3, 2009

Wake up SID!!!!!!

NO. DO NOT GO TO WATCH IT!!!!!...OK i have written what i wanted to convey through this review withing the first line. Well now i know a lot of you people who dont trust me or are too logical are asking...WHY???so here goes...

Within the first 5 minutes, there was just one thought running through my mind..more like PRANCING through my mind...WHY was this movie made? What was the purpose of it? Well i know what you are thinking. It's just the start of the movie. Wait for it. I did. The answers never came. My friend summed it up. "Why would i be interested in Siddharth Mehra's life?"

Ok a lil bit about the movie first. It's the story of one Siddharth Mehra (He is the Sid in the title..i hope you guessed that by now.) He is a spoilt brat, rich dad's bigdaa hua beta types. Nothing new. He doesn't know what he wants in life. Except for spending his dad's money, going out with friends and being a total jerk (which he admits to at some point int he movie...YEAH you din't see that coming)
Atleast he is not a casanova in the movie. yeah maybe that would have been TOOOO cliched.

So as I am sure EVERYONE has predicted the story by now, i won't go into it. He gets kicked out of home by his dad who wants him to learn to have responsibilities. He stays at aisha something's house (Konkona Sen...HORRIBLE acting...ABSOLUTELY). Aisha is from Kolkata, Ambitious, independent, aspiring writer. Complete opposite of wat Sid is.

I think, the director thought, just coz we have two opposites we will have a great movie. WELL WAKE UP AYAN MUKHERJEE!!!!! You also need a STORY. and ACTING. two things that are completely lacking in this one. I mean, for the story, i think i predicted the entire movie within the first 10 minutes. Maybe less. nothing original about it.

Let's come to the acting, or the lack of it. Frankly, i knew Ranbir Kapoor could not act. But what the hell happened to konkona? She has done movies like Mr. and Mrs. Iyer for god's sake. I remember one scene especially. When she discovers she has a rat crawling on her. She is supposed to shreik. But what comes out is a half hearted wail. and my friend's instantaneous reaction was...PATHETIC ACTING...

As for Ranbir. Well he tries. then he tries some more. Then he gives up. He just can not act. And i mean it. He has really tried hard to portray the transformation from a just turned adult who has never had responsibility to a mature and responsible guy. But he cannot do it. Reason? He cannot emote. Most of the times i believe the actors were too confused as to what emotions they are supposed to be showing. And i remember one particular scene in which Rahul Khanna(Special Appearance) is supposed to be sad/happy/surprised..and i think he is ALL of them at once. Which is ABSOLUTELY not possible. And then just when you think the expression will change, AHOA, the scene has ended!!!

There is one particular scene in the climax. The shot is of Ranbir sitting in a window. And suddenly his expression changes to someone who has just had an epiphany, then he suddenly starts crying. then he has wonder in his eyes. and then it starts raining. and all this happens over some 90 seconds. and at the end of the scene i had amazement and hopelessness and anger in my eyes.

The chemistry is just not there between the lead pair. They never look like they should be getting together in the end. All through out the movie somebody keeps calling someone else immature and childish. And then you kinda get fed up of it at some point. I kept waiting for the movie to gather some sort of steam. It did not. Even at the climax.

I will remember this movie only for the awesome music by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy. really catchy and soulful numbers that you can hum along. Great work on the background score too and the lyrics. Loved Kya Karoon and Iktaara especially.

All in all, a bad experience. Very confusing movie that will leave you as confused. And you will never understand why exactly you came to watch it. You won't knwo when to laugh. And i realised there were a few jokes only because others in the theater were laughing.

Miss it people. Not worth the money.

P.S. I am never watching a FDFS again. DBH and WUS were both flops.