The following post is about THREE different people....the three people that are going to be described are probably the most disparate bunch of individuals that were brought together by faith would have it they were all born on the same the same house...and faith dealt its final blow when all three were named after three of the highest principles of humankind..."Truth, Peace of Mind and Happiness", thus binding them together in a confluence of human principles that would go on to dazzle the world for a long time....
This about...Sachhid...Anand...Uddhay...TEA-LE...
Ok after the uncharacteristically dramatic start...lemme clarify...this post FACT..only about one person...with a very very long name...Sachhidanand Uddhav Tilay...of course we have split up the name to create one of the longest running jokes in our group...that he is in fact three people....every time people are counted...its always three for tilay...and of course 2 for me and pari both...hehe..
I remember sachhid from the first day of college..he was in fact the only person from my class whom i knew from before..we were in the same batch at Mahesh Tutorials in 12th and hence knew each other by face...i vividly recall where i had met him on the first day...we were both checking out the time table and saw each other and proceeded to class together...we both sat on the last, and very very filthy, bench right behind Divi...who was pretty irritating that day...i remember going to all my classes with him for first few days...though gradually, and thankfully, our group expanded and we met some not-so-nice people...still...i will always remember that first sigh of relief i had when i realized i knew someone in my class at least...
Tliay..or Tea-Le as we call him now(context a little later) an awesome guy...and i mean it when i say of the co-founders of the Central Gang...he has been there all through the 4 years...and he has shown his sensibility and calmness on various occasions..
One of the good things about him is that he reserves his opinion on most subjects...or rather he doesn't have one...which is a very wise thing to do...he keeps his nose firmly out of all messy matters...and even if he butts usually is a very sensible advice...and he is very level headed...never rushes into anything..
OK enough with the serious let's get onto the fun stuff...i am sure K2 is waiting for this more than anyone else...
SO LETS BEGIN!!!!!TEA-LE Charade....
Ok this is a game we invented as a test for proving your membership to central gang...we give you a song...and you have to fit in his name somewhere in the lyrics...if you are are SO a member...well this game was actually invented because we realized that his name is so flexible that it can be incorporated into virtually any song...i mean are a few of the most HILARIOUS samples:
Original: Rimjhim gire sawan...baras baras jaaaaaaye mann (pardon if the original lyrics aren't right...)
Our Version: Rimjhim Gire Sawan....teale sachhidanand....sachhid sachhid anand....
Original: Pehla Nasha...Pehla Khumaa...
Our Version: Pehla Nasha......Ae Tea-Le bekaraar...mere Tea-Le Bekaraar...TU HI BATA!!!
Original: Dil mein mere hai Dard-e-disco, Dard-e-disco...Dard-e-discoooo
Our Version: Dile mein mere hai Sachhidanand, sachhidanand, sachhidanand...Dil mein mere hai Sachhidanand, Sachhidanand Sachhidanand
before next sample you need to know that Sachhid has his lower lip jutting out a we have this typical sound for goes somewhat similar to ....uuuuuhhhhh,,,its a STUPID STUPID joke...
Original: Nanhe Munhe bacchhe teri mutthi mein kya hai......
Our Version: Sachhid Anand Tilay tere uuuuuhhhh mein kya hai...
Original: Nanha Mumha Raahi hoon....Bolo mere Sang...Jai Hind Jai Hind...
Our Version: Nanha Munha raahi hoon....Bolo mere sang....uuuuuuuuhhhhuuuuu uuuuhhhhuuuu
Of Course there are many many more....just not able to remember them right now...But we have practically fit him into every song we could think of...K2 and I were pros at it...
One funny incident involving Tea-le was during one of our exams...he had the habit of writing formulas and getting...and one day K2 just tore it up during revision...of course tilay din't like when K2 asked him a doubt during revision...Tea-Le replied in genuine anger...Jaa...Nahin Bataaega....Everyone just started laughing over his kiddishness...
Of course...we (the employed but not called) janta of our group plans to open a dhaba in Goa...and the name of the dhaba would be???You guessed very practical naa???It never ceases to amaze me the sheer number of uses we can put his name to...its like his NAME is multi talented...hehe...
He did an internship sometime during 3rd year which made him efficient in flash...and of course in Technovanza '08 his name was synonymous with the Kiosk....Was also the (CO)-event head for of the most successful eevnts at Pratibimb' 07...of course Suktya was the other event head but as mentioned earlier...Suktya can't do anything...
Sachhid has been part of my group for 4 years now...and he has been the reason for a LOT of laughs...he has been privy to a lot of my thoughts at various times...stood by me in a difficult situation during 1st year...and also i am sure he would be one of the few people i will actually like to keep in touch with...
Well Dude...I would like to wish you all the very best....I am sure your name will live on long after you are gone...LOL...Take Care!!!Keep uuuuhhhing....and please keep the angle at 60 degrees...HAHA...
P.S. I have to thank LALU for the title and K2 for the Songs...