Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Jaane Tu....


so everyone's been talking about the movie...and watching it...and writing about it...so y shouldn't I???

You know...our hindi movies have really gone bad...and i mean the story lines are boring...the acting is (sometimes) quite pathetic...there's no link between the characters...you have random "Special Appearances" just to increase the USP of an otherwise pretty boring product...and most of the times the music is a heady mixture of atleast 4-5 old tracks...a sort of reincarnation of those classics...just in a confused i-don't-know-how-i-got-here sort of reincarnation...

AND THEN...there are movies like Jaane Tu...ya Jaane na...

i mean guys....WELL DONE!!!!

Any youngster in India worth his/her salt will tell you that Dil Chahta Hai was the best movie about friendship like EVER!!!!

and i would do the same...i would also tell you that Jaane tu comes very close to it...

ok...i agree it doesn't have a different story like DCH had...in fact the story is pretty cliched...usual girl-boy best friends like FOREVER...everyone except them know they are in love...then they realise...and a happy chase down the airport later they are married...blah blah...

but what makes this movie different is the WAY the story is told on screen...not jsut the scenario...but also the light-hearted...bring-a-smile-on-your-face kinda way the story has been portrayed..

the acting is superb..not just from the lead pair of Genelia and Imran Khan...but also all the other suporting actors..each and every character is so indispensable...that take one out...and the story will fail to unravel...that really shows the vision of the director...

Naseeruddin Shah and Ratna Pathak Shah come together on the screen for the first time and create a perfect blend with their impeccable timing and mind-blowing acting skills....Sohail and Arbaaz Khan play perfect roles...so do the other Friends of the lead pair...each knowing their place in the script perfectly and fitting the bill to the L....

The side stories woven into the script blend seamlessly...and give an amazing understanding of WHY a character is so...not leaving you confused when you come out of the theatre...

What also makes the movie work is the great music courtesy A.R. Rahman..he again proves why he is the most sought after...the songs highlight and compliment the story rather than over-power it..

Also....this movie will be remembered for the innate sense of humour portrayed time and again by the dialogue writers...you are left in splits by some of the cracks (i laughed so hard on one that my friends had to shush me...hehe...if you have met me you know how LOUD i can be)

All in all..its a really really good movie...after DCH..one of the finest i have seen...and the only one that i want to watch AGAIN in the theatre...SO GO WATCH IT!!!!


Unknown said...

U r ryt man...
Its a movie worth many watches...
It's simplicity, yet it's ability to hold our interest is what amazes me the most..
N music also strikes great chord...

Anand Jage said...

well if u have praised so much lagta hai dekhni padegi...
btw.. ratna and naseer have done some art films together... haven't they?

MkHOLA said...

wel said dude!!!
comparison wid DCH cant b done ...
here v c 6 different ppl ... n instead of sharin vry deep bond as in case of DCH .. here dey know tht bonds rnt strong n dey r makin all measure 2 let it stay..!!!

Rest of da characters as u said were well defined ... xcept in da end .. da prison scene was 2 extended .. but 1st half was really awesome n da songs were gr8 .. especially da last 1 .. "Kahin to .."!!!