Sunday, February 22, 2009


OK i know this is not in the series of posts that i had planned to unleash upon the blogging world (or whatever these guys are calling themselves these days) but this is cool and someone special tagged me so i am continuing.

This is a new blogger game my friend introduced me to.

RULE 1: People who are tagged must write their answers to the tag and change any question they like.
RULE 2: Tag 3 people and they cannot refuse to do this tag. They must write who tagged them and cannot tag that person again. Continue the game. And I hope it will be sheer fun.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what would be your reaction?
It would be of utter disbelief. and if she is HOT i would forgive her and forget her as soon as possible. Infidelity is not for me.

2. If you have one dream which could come true, it would be?
FLYING A F-35!!!! that;s like the ULTIMATE dream!!!!!

3. Who is more blessed-loving someone or being loved by someone ?
Loving someone. I mean you have someone whom you can truly take care of. And there is nothing more satisfying than someone expressing gratitude for something that you have done.
Of course loving someone who doesn't necessarily love u can be hard. But get over it and count yourself lucky to have someone to love!!!

4. Can you fall in love with your best friend ?
TOTALLY!!!!It's a very thin line between being best friends and falling in love. And if you toe it...well it could turn out either way...

5. How long would you wait for someone you love?
Till that person realizes what a SHITHEAD she is being by not being with me....And once she realizes that she will probably come and beg me to take her...So yeah...all would be fine then...

6. If the person you like is secretly attached, what would you do?
Pretend like i don't know the secret and full on hit on her....I can't be blamed for what i don't know right?

7. If you could root for one social cause, what would it be?
Cleanliness!!!!I HATE DIRTY MUMBAI!!!!I WANNA SEE MY CITY CLEAN!!!!Get that you gutkha-chewing-paan-spitting-candy wrapper-throwing MORON!!!

8. What according to you is blogger in denial?
I do not know....I blog when i feel like...i don't care if people call me a "blogger" or not...

9. What’s your fear ?
That one day i will wake up and i will have no one to love...

10. What colour are your pants now?
Light Blue...wearing the best pair of 3/4ths i have..

11. What are you listening to now?
When You Say Nothing At All- Ronan Keating....the ONLY song that describes what i feel for 2 of the most important people in my life....

12. What takes you down fastest?
My best friend's sad face....there is no sight more heart breaking than that!!!!

13. Which one do you prefer - ice-cream or chocolate?
Ice Cream---with chocolate chips and chocolate sauce and grated chocolate on top!!!!!YUMMY!!!!!!!!!

14. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Buy some univ in india and make it swankier than any univ in US and make my Best Friend go there instead of US!!!!!

15. What was the last thing you ate?
Kal raat ka bacha hua Domino's Pizza and Garlic Bread...

16. How old are you today?

17. How do you vent out your anger?
By taking exquisite pleasure in banging stuff here and there and screaming!

18. Favourite toy as a child?
MY HOT WHEELS!!!!!!!!!!i mean the small ones...used to LOVE zooming around with those cute cars making all sorts of vroom vroom noises....

18. Favourite season?
MONSOON!!!!this is one season hat just enhances the beauty of the comes forth in all its glory and mesmerizes you to your very soul....this is a season of amazing memories both as a child and as an adult....**stares away into space for about 5 mins**

19. When was the last time you cried?
A few mins ago when i realized that my friend might be off to the US in a few months time...ITS SCARY!!!!!!

20. Who is the friend you have had the longest? net friend who became my best friend who is now not so much on talking terms but i know still loves me...phew...long relationship naa????

21. What did you do last night?
Had a superb nite out with some friends....we ate we chatted we played scrabble.....we talked on some pretty heavy topics...then we slept and got up and ate again...ohh also took my fastest ever bike ride...122 kmph baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22. Favorite day of the week?
EVERYDAY!!!!i dont pick favorites in days man...everyday has equal opportunity and significance....

23. Gold or Platinum??
Platinum!!!ANYDAY!!!!i love the feel of that metal....yeah i wife is going to be one lucky girl!!!!*sniggers goofily**

24.Would you be single & rich or married & poor ?
i would be rich and single.....THAT would be FUN!!!!

25.What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Open my eyes...why???what do you do???

26.If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, whom would you pick?
The one who has better hair....and more sense...i mean common sense...

27.Would you give all in a relationship ?
I always give all in EVERY relationship...don't know any other way of having them....

28.What’s eating you now ?
Stupid reminiscing of the old days...its so bugging....

29.Do you prefer being single or in a relationship?
Relationship....i love the fact that two people trust each other so much...and you learn so many things about yourself that you never really knew...

30. Your opinion of 3 bloggers who you are going to tag and the one who tagged you.
MONA tagged me....she is like the world to me...and more if possible....

I tag the following peeps:
Annie, Zai and Anand..

P.S: anyone who likes these questions is welcome to answer them. do leave me a link, so ill check out ur answers. hava great day.


DeJaVu said...

yippe yippee u finally did ur tag..awesome answers!! didnt think u'd do ne less buddy

Penguin said...

hey pam...i already did this TAGGED thing.

Anonymous said...

Thanx dude.. for tagging me.. will definitely post my answers in 2 to 3 days... BTW relationship ???... werent we supposed to be second rung partnersship of YES+ ala Bau n dinesh dada???